Episode 321 - GitHub

by Cynthia Kreng March 28, 2020

Sasha Rosenbaum, a Senior PM from the GitHub team, is back on the show to talk to us about DevOps in the cloud and provides advice on choosing the right tools for your teams.

Media file: https://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode321.mp3

Transcript: https://eus2.videoindexer.ai/accounts/e0eee289-7730-4999-978b-eb7f63be8cb5/videos/77937baf29/?location=EUS2


Other updates:

ACR built-in audit policies for Azure Policy is now in preview

Updated: March 13, 2020

We are pleased to announce the public preview of Azure Container Registry support for creation of built-in audit policies for Azure Policy.  Once the built-in audit policy is available for the security control, the assessment results can be surfaced through Azure Policy’s Compliance feature.

The following 3 built in policies are planned:

  • Network: Provide an audit policy that verifies if Private Link is being used
  • Network: Provide an audit policy that checks if the firewall is enabled/ IP-based restrictions are applied
  • Data transfer: Provide an audit policy to verify if customer-managed key is used


From <https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/updates/acr-builtin-audit-policies-for-azure-policy-is-now-in-preview/




Private Endpoints provide secure connectivity to Azure Storage from a Azure virtual network (VNet). On-premises networks can also securely connect to a storage account using a private endpoint when that network is to a VNet using Express Route or VPN. Private Endpoints for Azure Storage are now generally available in all Azure public regions.



https://dilbert.com/strip/2020-03-15 - Mandatory Blockchain  << ❤ this


Azure Functions Premium plan regional virtual network integration

Updated: March 24, 2020

Regional virtual network integration is now generally available in the Azure Functions Premium plan. Run serverless function apps with no cold-start, virtual network connectivity, and larger instance sizes with the Premium plan. The general availability of regional virtual network integration also brings these features:

  • The ability to direct all traffic leaving an application into the virtual network.
  • Support for applying user-defined routes and network security groups to the integrated application.
  • Support for reaching private link-secured resources through a regional virtual network integration.
  • Support for non-RFC 1918 addresses in an integrated virtual network.

Regional virtual network integration is available in all public regions for function apps hosted on the Premi


From <https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/updates/functions-premium-vnet/


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