The guys have an amazing talk with Brendan Burns, Distinguished Engineer at Microsoft, about the future of Kubernetes in Azure.

Media file:
Indexed audio:
Other updates:
OpenSSH is a collection of client/server utilities that enable secure remote login, remote file transfer, and public/private key pair management. Originating as part of the OpenBSD project and commonly used across the BSD, Linux, macOS, and Unix ecosystems, you can now use OpenSSH from PowerShell in Cloud Shell.
The SSH quickstart for PowerShell includes examples on how to create VMs with your SSH public key, as well as how to persist SSH configs and key files across Cloud Shell sessions.
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Designing Distributed Systems - Brendan Burns new book (plug?)
Brand Detection in Microsoft Video Indexer
We are delighted to announce a new capability in Microsoft Video Indexer: Brand Detection from speech and from visual text! If you are not yet familiar with Video Indexer, you may want to take a look at a few examples on our video portal.
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Bing Speech API extends its text to speech support to 34 languages
05 February 2018
The Speech API, a Microsoft Cognitive Service, now offers six new TTS languages to all developers, bringing the total number of available languages to 34.
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A great developer experience for Ansible
Ansible (from RedHat) now available directly in the Cloud Shell, as well as supported from VS Code
"Ansible makes it easy to scale automation, manage complex deployments and speed productivity". Supports workflows to streamline jobs, and tools to share devops solutions within teams.
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Go serverless for your IoT needs
Taken from the Twitter Feed: Listener feedback on future shows
• ARM template deployments, specifically with regard to taking an existing set of resources and repeating them in another subscription.
• SQL Server Managed Instances
• Low-priority VMs - there is whole economy behind them look @spotinstUK
• Media Services and specifically Media Analytics
• Certification changes - no more Azure Solutions Architect?
• Azure Stack upd and ReverseDSC ex aequo
• Azure Automation
• API Management
• How to handle data and security compliance for different regions
• Service Bus
• Event Hubs
• Application Gateway
• Azure architecture patterns especially for LOB applications running on prem;
• Security and management of API within Azure Webapp to WebApi.