by Sujit D'Mello
May 23, 2023
by Sujit D'Mello
May 20, 2023
Cale, Evan and Sujit talk to Neha Rathod, Garv Jasuja, Akshay Gupta and Vijay Chiluveru, who are Graduate Students at Penn State University that have developed a wireless monitoring device to detect cardiac arrest and alert the caretakers. We talk to them about how they developed the product and how Azure helped speed up the development.

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Other updates:
Microsoft Build May 23 - 25
Public preview: Rolling Upgrades with MaxSurge for Virtual Machine Scale Sets | Azure updates | Microsoft Azure
by Sujit D'Mello
March 20, 2023
by Sujit D'Mello
August 27, 2021
by Kendall Roden
April 5, 2021
by Sujit D'Mello
March 15, 2020
Evan and Sujit talk to Microsoft Cloud Solution Architect Jose Medina about the options we have to run Machine Learning workloads in Azure and provides some great tips on how to pick the right option and what development tools are available.
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by Evan Basalik
February 24, 2016
by Sujit D'Mello
February 6, 2015
David Crook who is a Senior Technical Evangelist for Azure at Microsoft talks to use about the world of Startups and Students and how they use Azure.

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by Evan Basalik
July 16, 2014
The Worldwide Partner Conference is currently underway in Washington D.C. and there were a ton of announcements related to Microsoft Azure. Cale and Sujit break down some of them for our listeners as well as discuss a comment from one of our listeners.
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Site for the Sept 6 Charlotte Azure Boot Camp is live at
Event Hubs Public Preview
Machine Learning Public Preview
New Portal features:
- Create, deploy, monitor, manage VMs
- Manage VNETs
- Automate the deployment of rich multi-machine application templates with a few clicks - deploying a multi-tier, highly-available SharePoint farm from the portal will be a few clicks away!
- Resource Group enhancements:
- Manage IaaS VMs & VNETs along with PaaS Web Sites and Databases, all within the same Resource Group
- Azure Image Gallery Updates: The completely re-imagined Azure Gallery with the addition of several new virtual machine images that enable you to provision dev/test servers or production applications in minutes.
Azure SQL Database: Manage Azure SQL DBs within the Portal, including provisioning databases across Web and Business (currently in general availability) and Basic, Standard, and Premium (currently in preview).
Microsoft has acquired InMage Systems, an innovator in the emerging area of cloud-based business continuity.
- Forrester Research recognized InMage Systems as an enabling technology for top Disaster Recovery-as-a-Service providers
- InMage Systems won a Penton Media Best of TechEd award.
- Customers across a variety of industries, including financial services, healthcare and government, rely on InMage technology to keep their organizations up and running.
- InMage Systems technology is behind leading DRaaS offerings from companies like Sungard and HP.
- InMage solutions are being integrated into Azure Site Recovery service
- Will help accelerate our strategy to provide hybrid cloud business continuity solutions for any customer IT environment, be it Windows or Linux, physical or virtualized on Hyper-V, VMware or others.
Blog series by Principal PM Lead Josh Twist on Azure API Management covering:
A blog post by CVP Jason Zander announcing collaboration with Google and Docker to support new open source projects on Microsoft Azure:
- Kubernetes - declarative container management solution supporting orchestration and scheduling of Docker containers, originally built on top of Google Compute Engine
- libswarm - imperative management on Docker, so that libswarm will natively support Azure in enabling deployment of containers on Azure Virtual Machines.
Diagnostics as a Service (DaaS) for Azure Web Sites is announcedby Sr. PM Apurva Joshi:
- Provided as a Site Extension
- Helps isolating or root causing an application specific issue(s). The following symptoms are typical for issues that can be diagnosed with DaaS:
- Website is responding slowly
- Random requests are timing out
- Web page(s) hang (keeps on spinning without opening fully)
- DaaS can also be used to draw a sample of the health of your website and do some analysis against a set of data at any given time.
- Diagnose Now” option:
- Collects and analyzes memory dumps, HTTP logs and event logs from all VM instances of your web site.
- Collects and analyzes a second memory dump after 2 minutes (this provides two different states of your application and is useful in troubleshooting slow performance issues).
- “Schedule Analysis” option - provides you a way to customize your diagnostics sessions and lets you:
- Schedule a DaaS session at a specific time or timespan.
- Choose data type or types to collect and analyze.
- Choose a specific VM instance to collect and analyze data from (addressing a scenario where your website is running on multiple instances)
- Choose an option to collect and analyze right away, or just collect for now and analyze at some later time.
- Configure a custom blob storage location for the data and reports to be stored.
New sizes and regions for Azure Redis Cache are available.
NOTE: Be sure to migrate to Redis or a Managed Cache service. Shared Caching will be decommissioned on September 1, 2014.
- Azure Block Blob Storage pricing is changing from 3 decimals to 4 decimals to provide more precise pricing which will take effect on September 1, 2014
- Service Bus Queues and Topics pricing changes - effective starting October 1, 2014:
- Messaging is now offered in Basic and Standard tiers
- Service Bus Connections are introduced - can now be used in conjunction with Event Hubs in large throughput and high-connection applications including IoT command and control scenarios (e.g., “Unlock car door from smartphone”). A single AMQP connection can be used for all Queues, Topics, and Event Hubs in a Service Bus namespace.
US Central in Iowa and US East 2 in Virginia are now GA.
A blog post by Principal Researcher Thore Graepel demonstrating an application of Machine Learning in action – implementing recommendation features on web sites