Episode 431 - Azure Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)

by Cynthia Kreng July 14, 2022

We chat with Nir Mashkowski, Principal PM Manager, about the evolution of PaaS since its inception 10+ years ago, some of the usage patterns that he has observed, the benefits and reasoning of using PaaS services, and the future of where Azure PaaS services is headed. 

Media File: https://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode431.mp3

YouTube: https://youtu.be/b3zUtaCnhTE


Overview - Azure App Service | Microsoft Docs

Azure Functions Overview | Microsoft Docs

What is Azure Static Web Apps? | Microsoft Docs

Azure Container Apps documentation | Microsoft Docs

Dapr - Distributed Application Runtime

KEDA | Kubernetes Event-driven Autoscaling

Episode 364 - Virtual Networking with Functions

by Sujit D'Mello February 11, 2021

Russell, Sujit, and Cynthia chat with Michael Collier about different considerations regarding Azure Functions ranging from virtual networking, hosting, common use cases and some of the existing limitations to be aware of. 


Media File: https://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode364.mp3

Other Updates:

Availability Zones now available in South Central US and Germany West Central

Confluent Cloud Integration with Azure is now generally available

Support for more workloads, tag based policies now in Backup Center public preview

Azure Security Center—General availability updates for January 2021

Azure API-Management Updates Jan 21

More Resources:

Michael's Blog



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Episode 279 - Build 2019 - Functions Updates

by Kendall Roden May 17, 2019

Kendall and Cynthia talk with Matthew Henderson on the latest updates on Azure Functions including Azure Functions on Kubernetes with KEDA, PowerShell language support, and stateful entities.

Media file: https://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode279.mp3

Transcript: https://eus2.videoindexer.ai/accounts/e0eee289-7730-4999-978b-eb7f63be8cb5/videos/9a12088a97/


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Episode 214 - Functions Microservices

by Sujit D'Mello February 1, 2018

Nir Mashkowski, Product Management Director for various Azure PaaS services, talks to us about his favorite - Functions! He shares his thoughts around using Functions as a 'Practical Microservices Platform' using some of the new features in the service.

Some resources:
Azure Functions Linux: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/appserviceteam/2017/11/15/functions-on-linux-preview/
Some success stories: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/case-studies/?service=app-service&term=Azure+Functions+
Hacks with startups and ISVs: https://microsoft.github.io/techcasestudies/#SearchPhraseText=Azure Functions
Azure Functions Proxies: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/appserviceteam/2017/11/15/azure-functions-proxies-is-now-generally-available/
Contact the team on Twitter @AzureFunctions or @nirmsk

Media file: https://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode214.mp3

Indexed audio: https://www.videoindexer.ai/media/8943c94906/

Other updates:

We announced the general availability of Azure App Service on Linux and Web App for Containers in September 2017. Today, we’re adding additional language runtime support for built-in images. You can now create a Linux web app by using .NET Core 2.0 as a runtime stack.

From <https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/updates/net-core-2-0-support-for-app-service-on-linux/>

Network Watcher in Germany and AzGov

Announcing the general availability of Azure Event Grid

Azure ExpressRoute updates – New partnerships, monitoring and simplification

ITSM Connector for Azure is now generally available

Azure Search enterprise security: Data encryption and user-identity access control




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Episode 207 - Functions & Serverless

by Russell Young December 9, 2017

In this special All-UK episode, Russell Young has an in-depth discussion with Christos Matskas, a Senior Azure PFE in the UK, about the growing popularity of serverless computing in Azure using services like Functions and Event Grid.

Social Media: https://cmatskas.com  https://twitter.com/christosmatskas
Resources on Azure bits:
- Architecture best practices: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-functions/functions-best-practices
- Function Proxies: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-functions/functions-proxies
- Functions Runtime: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-functions/functions-runtime-overview
- Durable Functions: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-functions/durable-functions-overview
- Functions & Containers: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/appserviceteam/2017/11/15/functions-on-linux-preview/

DDDScotland: http://dddscotland.org


Media file: https://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode207.mp3

Indexed audio: https://www.videoindexer.ai/media/5bd125a054/

Other updates:


Enabling Storage Service Encryption at rest for all new data coming to Azure Backup from on-premises and in cloud


In DevTest Labs, you can post announcements to notify users about recent changes or additions to your lab, and custom images with licensing terms are now enabled


Azure Migrate service launched in preview https://azure.microsoft.com/en-gb/blog/launching-preview-of-azure-migrate/


Provides guidance, insights and mechanisms to help you migrate to Azure (IaaS)


  • Readiness of an azure VM
  • Right sizing of VMs
  • Cost
  • PLUS - Enables ASR and Database Migration Service (SQL).
  • Free of charge, supported for production environments.


Azure Advisor - new dashboard and some new functionality (best practices advisor) gives recommendations on high availability, security, performance and cost across your subscription


Elastic DB tools for Java (support for cross shard query, aimed at multi-tenant SaaS apps), routing of data to correct shards based on keys and shard map management.


Location Based Services public preview - geospatial services for mapping, iot, logistics, asset tracking type solutions.  Services include mapping, routing, search, time zones and traffic (partnering with TomTom).  RESTful service APIs plus a javascript mapping control - cost all managed to your subscription


Able to run Azure CLI within VS Code now directly


Azure functions runtime preview 2 - functions as a service on-prem if you want, and on Windows Nano containers.


B and M series now GA - lowest cost by giving flexible vCPU - good for small web servers, small db's, dev/test environments that have spikey workloads/util.  Build up credits when cpu usage is low, to be spent when you spike.  M Series are the largest VMs, up to 128 vCPUs, 4TB RAM, hyper-threading.   Great for SAP HANA and SQL Hekaton


Iot Hub device provisioning now GA

Sunset of classic portal, Jan 8th 2018



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Episode 128 - Azure Functions

by Sujit D'Mello May 20, 2016


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