Episode 460 - Alert Heart

by Sujit D'Mello May 20, 2023

Cale, Evan and Sujit talk to Neha Rathod, Garv Jasuja, Akshay Gupta and Vijay Chiluveru, who are Graduate Students at Penn State University that have developed a wireless monitoring device to detect cardiac arrest and alert the caretakers. We talk to them about how they developed the product and how Azure helped speed up the development.


Media file: https://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode460.mp3

YouTube: https://youtu.be/VQAVhLpzKCE




Other updates:

Microsoft Build May 23 - 25 https://build.microsoft.com/en-US/home

Public preview: Rolling Upgrades with MaxSurge for Virtual Machine Scale Sets | Azure updates | Microsoft Azure



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Episode 396 - How Vattenfall uses Azure

by Evan Basalik October 4, 2021

The team meets Vattenfall's Marcus Melin and Mikael Söderström to learn how they are leveraging Azure to help enable the use of renewable energy 24x7 by their customers

Also, be sure to go back and listen to the Sustainability solutions in Azure episode where the team first heard about Vattenfall from Conor Kelly.

Media file: https://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode396.mp3

YouTube: https://youtu.be/SgULg_YJT4k




Other updates:

Govern your data wherever it resides with Azure Purview


Azure Cost Management and Billing updates – September 2021


Building a digital guide dog for railway passengers with impaired vision



Azure IoT middleware for FreeRTOS in general availability | Azure updates | Microsoft Azure

General availability: Azure Sphere OS version 21.09 | Azure updates | Microsoft Azure


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Episode 350 - Azure Time Series Insights

by Cynthia Kreng October 16, 2020

The data IoT devices provide are now considered a valuable resource for companies to make decisions and predictions. Diego Viso, a Principal PM Manager, discuss with us how Time Series Insights can be leveraged for real-time insights and large data analytics to drive operation improvements. 


Media File: https://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode350.mp3




Other Updates:

Zone Redundancy for Azure Cache for Redis now in preview


Azure and Intel commit to delivering next generation confidential computing


Announcing advanced Azure Machine Learning nanodegree program with Udacity


Azure DevTest Labs - Create a network isolated lab




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Episode 342 - Azure Digital Twins

by Cynthia Kreng August 12, 2020

We had a chance to talk with Ines Khelifi, the Principal PM Manager for Azure Digital Twins on the different use cases she has seen, the latest preview, and how Azure Digital Twins can be utilized in the times of COVID-19.

Media File: https://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode342.mp3


Other Updates:



Azure Advisor Quick Fix is now available

Published date: August 05, 2020

Azure Advisors new Quick Fix feature makes optimization at scale faster and easier by allowing users to remediate recommendations for multiple resources simultaneously and with only a few clicks. Users can now multi-select resources to take the recommended Advisor actions on all selected resources as a bulk operation instead of having to remediate each resource individually. Quick Fix also creates a consistent, streamlined, and more automated experience for Advisor recommendation remediation. At launch, Quick Fix is enabled for a subset of Advisor recommendations in the Azure portal, with more on the way.



New Azure SQL Learning Tools help reduce the global technology skills gap



The Azure Cloud Shell tools image is now open sourced

Published date: August 10, 2020

Azure Cloud Shell is a browser-based, authenticated shell experience to manage your cloud resources.  The Cloud Shell experience contains common command line tools to manage resources across both Azure and M365, and can now be found on GitHub. You can now file issues or pull requests directly to the tools image, and any changes that occur there will be reflected in the next release of Cloud Shell.  You can use this container image in other management scenarios, with many tools already installed and updated regularly, removing the concern about updating your cloud management tools. 



Encryption of backup data using customer managed keys is in public preview

Published date: August 12, 2020

When backing up your Azure Virtual Machines, you can now encrypt your data using keys owned and managed by you. Azure Backup lets you use your RSA keys stored in the Azure Key Vault for encrypting your backups. The encryption key used for encrypting backups may be different from the one used for the source. The data is protected using an AES 256 based data encryption key (DEK), which is, in turn, protected using your keys stored in the Key Vault. This gives you full control over the data and the keys.

This feature is in public preview for new vaults in all Azure regions.



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Episode 314 - Azure Sphere

by Sujit D'Mello February 11, 2020

Senior Microsoft App-Dev Consultant, Avon Gonzales, fresh from the internal Microsoft Ready conference, shares his passion and learnings about Azure Sphere and IoT in general.

Media file: https://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode314.mp3

Transcription: https://eus2.videoindexer.ai/accounts/e0eee289-7730-4999-978b-eb7f63be8cb5/videos/76066d068b/?location=EUS2


Other updates:

Azure Site Recovery now supports customer-managed keys

From https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/updates/azure-site-recovery-now-supports-customer-managed-keys/

Azure Backup now supports selective disk backup and restore using Azure Virtual machine backup solution

From https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/updates/excludediskpreview/

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Episode 312 - Azure FarmBeats

by Cale Teeter January 24, 2020


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Episode 260 - Azure Sphere

by Cale Teeter January 4, 2019

Cale, Russell and Sujit break down the Azure Sphere offering from Microsoft and what it means for the future of IoT development.

Media file: https://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode260.mp3

Transcript: https://www.videoindexer.ai/accounts/aca83d23-620b-46d6-beec-e920bff88847/videos/f4130c2bbc/



Other updates:

SQL Data Warehouse integration with Informatica iPaaS on Azure
Posted on Wednesday, December 19, 2018
Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services (IICS) on Azure is now generally available, enabling an intelligent discovery-driven approach to migrate legacy data warehouse workloads to Azure SQL Data Warehouse. IICS on Azure optimizes multi-cloud, hybrid environments with a streamlined experience for Azure customers, allowing them to launch IICS with a single click, directly from the Azure portal. Two key use cases enabled by IICS on Azure are data integration with prebuilt mappings and data accelerator for simplified migration to Azure SQL Data Warehouse.

From <https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/updates/sql-data-warehouse-integration-with-informatica-ipaas-on-azure/>

Virtual Network Service Endpoints for serverless messaging and big data

Virtual Networks and Firewall rules for both Azure Event Hubs and Azure Service Bus are now generally available. This
feature adds to the security and control you have over your cloud environments. Take advantage of the Azure backbone network to secure access to your premium Azure Service Bus namespaces and standard and dedicated Azure Event Hubs offerings on all public regions. 

Anatomy of a secured MCU

Azure.Source - Volume 63

Azure Marketplace new offers – Volume 28




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Episode 233 - Live from Build 2018 - Serverless & IoT with Jeff Hollan

by Evan Basalik June 14, 2018

In this last of the shows recorded by our team at BUILD 2018, the guys talk to Senior Azure PM Jeff Hollan on all things IoT & Serverless.

Jeff Hollan


Media file: https://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode233.mp3



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Episode 198 - IoT Hub in Action

by Sujit D'Mello October 5, 2017

Michael Stark, a Senior Consultant from Microsoft, gives us a Developer view on a customer POC he recently did using IoT Hub. 

Media file: https://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode198.mp3

Indexed Video: https://www.videoindexer.ai/media/b1f4b13104/

Other updates:

Embed Stunning Visuals into your Apps with Power BI Embedded- Generally Available

Announcing new Azure VM images: SQL Server 2017 on Linux and Windows
02 October 2017
We are excited to announce that SQL Server 2017 images on Linux and Windows are now available in the Azure Marketplace! Deploying SQL Server in Azure VMs combines the industry-leading performance and security, built-in artificial intelligence, and business intelligence of SQL Server, now available on both Linux and Windows, with the flexibility, security, and hybrid connectivity of Azure.

Get started with Monitoring in Azure
27 September 2017
We’re happy to announce the public preview of a new overview landing page in Azure Monitor. This landing page is designed to help you understand the monitoring capabilities offered by Azure, and to…

Announcing Preview of Azure Storage Firewalls and Virtual Networks
27 September 2017
The Azure Storage team is excited to announce the preview of Firewalls and Virtual Networks for Azure Storage.  With this preview, the authorization capabilities of Azure Storage are expanded to allow administrators to also control which networks have access to their data.

Announcing Virtual Network integration for Azure Storage and Azure SQL
You can now secure Azure Storage and Azure SQL Database to only your virtual networks, by using virtual network service endpoints. Endpoints provide a direct connection from your virtual network to the Azure services, extending your virtual network's private address space and identity to the services. Traffic from your virtual network to the services will always remain on the Microsoft Azure network backbone.

From <https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/updates/public-preview-virtual-network-service-endpoints-for-azure-storage-and-azure-sql/>

Azure Load Balancer introduces a HA Ports, a capability that enables you to load balance internal virtual network traffic on all ports for all supported protocols. The single rule configuration for all ports reduces the configuration complexity and removes the rule limits for Load Balancer.
This capability is especially useful for scenarios that involve network virtual appliance (NVA) high availability. You can configure an HA Port rule on an Azure internal load balancer, and deploy the NVAs in n-Active mode for reliability and scale. You can also use HA Ports to enable load balancing on a range of ports by adding some NSG configuration on top.
HA Ports is available in public preview in:
• US East 2
• US Central
• US West Central
• Europe West
• Europe North
• Asia Southeast
To get information on configuration and scenarios, see the Azure Load Balancer documentation.

From <https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/updates/public-preview-ha-ports/>

Public preview: application security groups, service tags, augmented security rules
Monday, September 25, 2017
The following features for network security groups (NSGs) are in public preview:
• Application security groups
You can use application security groups to configure network security as natural extension of an application’s structure, by arbitrarily grouping VMs and defining network security policies based on those groups. You can reuse your security policy and scale without manual maintenance of explicit IP addresses. The platform handles the complexity of explicit IP addresses and multiple rule sets, so you can focus on your business logic. For more information, see the documentation. 
• Service tags for NSGs
Service tags simplify security for Azure Virtual Machines and Azure Virtual Networks by enabling you to easily restrict network access to just the Azure services that you use. You can use service tags in your NSG rules to allow or deny traffic to a specific Azure service globally or per Azure region. Azure provides the maintenance of IP addresses underlying each tag. This preview includes Storage, Sql, and AzureTrafficManager tags. For more information, see the documentation.
• Augmented security rules for NSGs
Augmented rules for NSGs simplify the security definition for Virtual Networks, so you can define larger, more complex network security policies with fewer rules. Multiple ports, multiple explicit IP addresses, service tags, and application security groups can all be combined into a single, easily understood security rule. For more information, see the documentation. 

From <https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/updates/public-preview-features-for-nsgs/>

PowerShell in Azure Cloud Shell is available in public preview. It provides an alternative to the existing Bash experience (also in public preview) while retaining the benefits of Cloud Shell.


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Episode 156 - IoT Hub & Open Source

by Sujit D'Mello December 7, 2016

The gang revisits IoT Hub from an Open Source perspective by talking to Claudio Caldato, a Principal Program Manager in the IoT Team about enabling open source software and libraries like Akka and Kafka to talk directly to IoT Hub.

avatar for Claudio Caldato

Media file: http://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode156.mp3



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