by Sujit D'Mello
March 17, 2016
Cale and Sujit have a great chat with Azure Principal PM Arindam Chatterjee on the topic of Data Lake. Arindam demystifies the service for us and gives us some use-cases and scenarios where it makes sense to use it as opposed to other big data offerings from Azure.

Arindam Chatterjee is a Principal Program Manager in the Microsoft Azure Big Data team. He comes to big data after extensive experience in Transaction Processing, Authentication & Authorization technologies in Windows Core OS, and designing the Microsoft Dynamics security model. Arindam and his team are now focused on building a scalable analytic workload service that your big data jobs can run on as efficiently and reliably as possible across thousands of machines. In addition, he is also responsible for making Azure Data Lake services ready for adoption by Enterprises by building the appropriate Security & Compliance features.
Media file:
Azure Data Lake links:
Azure Data Lake in 100 seconds (Video)
Azure Data Lake landing page is here.
Twitter: @azuredatalake & @azure
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