Episode 71 - Ibiza Portal

by Sujit D'Mello April 1, 2015

Evan and Sujit talk to Adam Abdelhamed who is a PM for the new Azure Portal. He gives us the scoop on the design of the new Portal and future plans.

Media File:  http://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode71.mp3


Provide feedback on the new portal: http://feedback.azure.com/forums/223579-azure-preview-portal

Great resource for diagnosing and fixing a number of VNET and hybrid issues:





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Episode 70 - Azure Technical Certifications

by Sujit D'Mello March 26, 2015

Cale and Sujit chat with Mark Grimes, a long-time MCT (Microsoft Certified Trainer) and MCS consultant on the new certification exams for Azure. Who are they meant for, how to prepare and what are the advantages of these certifications? We get answers from the pros. Cale is also involved with teaching courses for these exams so he weighs in as well.

Media file: http://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode70.mp3

Mark has put together a consolidated set of links for more information on the 70-533 exam: 




Other Links:


A blog post by PM Lichun Li describing causes of common VM/web/worker instance allocation failures and suggesting possible remediation steps.




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Episode 69 - Free for all!

by Sujit D'Mello March 18, 2015

The guys talk about a number of topics including:

Row Hammer bug http://googleprojectzero.blogspot.com/2015/03/exploiting-dram-rowhammer-bug-to-gain.html

Azure IoT Suite http://blogs.microsoft.com/iot/2015/03/16/microsoft-announces-azure-iot-suite/

Lack of PaaS in Azure Pack

Max connections in VMs

Favorite Azure Feature

Something in Azure that drives you crazy

Media file: http://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode69.mp3



ECC - Error-correcting code

Azure RemoteApp PowerShell cmdlets are publically available


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Episode 68 - Fundmentals of Azure - Book

by Sujit D'Mello March 11, 2015

We talk to Robin Shahan and Michael Collier, the authors of a new free eBook on the Fundamentals of Azure. Besides being Azure MVPs, Michael is a Cloud Solution Architect at Microsoft and Robin has her own consulting company Nightbird Consulting where she provides training and helps companies architect and develop effecient solutions using the Azure platform.

Media File: http://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode68.mp3

Download the free book here: http://aka.ms/fundamentalsofazure


Robin can be found on Twitter as @RobinDotNet, and you can read her articles about Azure (and other subjects) at http://robindotnet.wordpress.com


·        Michael's Blog: http://www.michaelscollier.com

·        Twitter: @MichaelCollier



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Episode 67 - Redis Cache

by Sujit D'Mello March 5, 2015

Cale and Sujit talk to Pranav Rastogi who is a Program Manager for the Redis Cache Service.

Media File:


Azure Cache info:






Cloud and Enterprise Symbol Set v2.08

The Azure Symbol Set is now the updated and expanded Cloud and Enterprise Symbols.


Some cool demo scenarios w/ Barracuda that recently came out – videos look good and useful  

Deploying Multi-Tier Architecture in Azure, 

                1. Overview -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9B27WqIbbfw

                2. Demo :  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtMkZyhhl28



Publishing and Securing your Sharepoint Application 

  1. Overview - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKJcmmLGV_o
  2. Demo : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4QDRFaU02o


Securing High Business Impact (HBI) Applications in Azure 

                1. Overview - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Asqg1rV-UY

                2. Demo : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyd-l8z6gYM



Docker Machine, Swarm and Compose capabilities released to Beta.



 Running ASP.Net vNext in Docker on Linux


New Azure Training Kit: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=8396

Delivered via Platform Installer. Called Azure Readiness Content





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Episode 66 - Gatekeeper Pattern for IaaS

by Evan Basalik February 25, 2015


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Episode 65 - Azure ISV Viewpoint

by Sujit D'Mello February 19, 2015

Evan and Sujit talk to Nick Burling who is VP of Product Management at Blue Stripe Software http://bluestripe.com a Microsoft Gold Partner that builds products to support and monitor Azure deployments.

Nick shares his views on the adoption of Azure, some of the challenges that companies face in moving to the cloud and the surprising success of Azure Pack.


Media file: http://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode65.mp3


White paper from Blue Stripe on monitoring Azure Pack. 




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Episode 64 - Gaming in Azure

by Sujit D'Mello February 11, 2015

The guys talk to Dave Voyles who is a Senior Technical Evangelist at Microsoft. In his travels, Dave spends time with Game Developers to help them leverage various Microsoft technologies including using Azure. We talk to him about some of the use-cases for Azure in gaming and some future trends in gaming.


Media file: http://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode64.mp3





Prime[31] Azure plugin



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Episode 63 - Startups and Students

by Sujit D'Mello February 6, 2015

David Crook who is a Senior Technical Evangelist for Azure at Microsoft talks to use about the world of Startups and Students and how they use Azure.

David Crook

Media file: http://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode63.mp3





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Episode 62 - Azure Pack

by Cale Teeter January 29, 2015

We are fortunate to have Marc van Eijk and Hans Vredevoort, both Azure MVPs, on the show to talk about Azure Pack. Both Marc and Hans focus on Hyper-V and Azure Pack and are very active bloggers and speakers in this space.





Azure Pack blogs on Hyper-V.nu 




Azure Pack Wiki 



MVP Profile




Media file: http://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode62.mp3


Azure Pack details:https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn296435.aspx


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