by Sujit D'Mello
July 14, 2021
by Evan Basalik
July 8, 2021
by Evan Basalik
July 1, 2021
Cynthia, Evan and Sujit discuss some recent work with various Azure services that are noteworthy and interesting.

Media file:
by Sujit D'Mello
June 18, 2021
by Cynthia Kreng
June 10, 2021
We chat with Bharathram Sivaraman, Principal PM Manager of Azure Migrate on different pathways to migrate on-prem applications to the cloud. He walked us through the portal experience and explained the functionalities of app containerization, now available through Azure Migrate, which even looks through your existing environment to recommend a suitable container image.

Media file:
Learn more about Azure Migrate:
Learn more about Azure Migrate App Containerization:
Other updates:
Advancing in-datacenter critical environment infrastructure availability
Azure API for FHIR enables health organizations to deliver CMS Patient Access and Provider Directory APIs
Azure Virtual Desktop: The flexible cloud VDI platform for the hybrid workplace
by Cynthia Kreng
June 2, 2021
Azure PM and #1 Fan of App Service Environment, Christina Compy talks to us about new ASE V3 which is currently being Previewed. She shares several key updates in the latest version and provides tips and guidance to use this SKU of App Services.

Media File:
YouTube: Azure Podcast - App Service Environment - YouTube
ASEv3 preview announcement
ASEv3 overview
ASEv3 march to GA blog
JBoss EAP video A fully managed Jakarta EE-certified platform
Build cloud-native applications that run anywhere
by Evan Basalik
May 25, 2021
by Evan Basalik
May 20, 2021
by Cale Teeter
May 13, 2021
The Azure Podcast hosters get together for a round-table discussion on NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) led by our resident Blockchain expert Cale Teeter. Cale explains what they are and why they are growing in importance. He also provides information on how Azure services such as compute and storage can help applications that want to leverage NFTs.

Media file:
YouTube Video:
Other resources:
Company officials are predicting that Microsoft will be building 50 to 100 new datacenters each year for the foreseeable future.
Microsoft currently operates more than 200 datacenters. Its currently operating and planned datacenters are located in 34 countries worldwide, networked with more than 165,000 miles of subsea cable, officials said. The company is expecting to add datacenters in at least 10 more countries in calendar 2021, with Malaysia being the most recently announced. Microsoft typically provides customers with Azure, Microsoft 365 and Dynamics 365 services in all of its cloud datacenters.
And last month, officials pledged to offer Azure Availability Zones in every country in which Microsoft publicly operates by the end of calendar 2021, plus offering Availability Zones in all new Azure regions Microsoft launches going forward.
by Sujit D'Mello
May 6, 2021